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Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM/MDM)

Mobility for Jira support Mobile Device Management and Enterprise Mobility Management solutions. Here is a list of documentation we provide based on our own testing. Please also ensure you have all technical documentation needed from your EMM/MDM vendor.

What are you trying to accomplish?


Use AppConfig to preconfigure the app for enterprise users

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Deploy app via private app store (w/o MDM/protection policies)

Resign Mobility IPA for Enterprise Deployment

Deploy app via Microsoft Intune with enabled protection policies

Intune - Resign app and enable policies

Download the most current IPA or APK for wrapping

Download IPAs and APKs

Download the wrapped app for MobileIron for Android

Download IPAs and APKs

Use MobileIron on iOS

Use the Apple App Store version (SDK included)

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