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Intune - Resign app and enable policies (Android)

These instructions are for Intune and the Android Mobility for Jira app. We publish signed and wrapped files for Intune. If you want to wrap and/or sign the APK yourself, you will need the following:

  • APK file (input app)

  • Your organization’s distribution key or create a new one

  • Windows computer

  1. Download & install the wrapping tool:

  2. Download & install a Java JRE:

  3. Run the wrapping tool from step 1 in PowerShell:

    1. Import-Module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Mobile Application Management\Android\App Wrapping Tool\IntuneAppWrappingTool.psm1"

    2. invoke-AppWrappingTool -InputPath .\app\jiraconnect.apk -OutputPath .\app_wrapped\jiraconnect.apk -Verbose

  4. Sign the wrapped APK from above step with the apksigner tool


    2.  apksigner sign --ks yourkey.jks jiraconnect-wrapped.apk


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