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Intune - Resign app and enable policies

These instructions are for Intune and the iOS Mobility for Jira app. You will need the following:

  • IPA file (input app)

  • You need to create three provisioning profile for the app

    • App Provisioning profile

    • Share Extension Provisioning profile

    • Safari Extension Provisioning profile

  • Your organization’s distribution certificate

In order to resign the app, the following command needs to be used. Please replace the placeholder between ## with the actual values:

-i ##path to input app## 
-o ##path to output app## 
-p ##path to app provisioning profile## 
-c ##distribution certificate SHA1## 
-x "<array>
      <string>##path to app provisioning profile##</string>
      <string>##path to share extension provisioning profile##</string>
      <string>##path to safari extension provisioning profile##</string>
-v true

Here is some additional information:

To resign the app, three new app IDs should be created. One each for the App, Share Extension, and Safari Extension.

For example:

  • com.example.appID

  • com.example.appID.Share

  • com.example.appID.Safari

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