My Published Sheets
The My Published Sheets screen for the add-on allows Jira users to quickly access and maintain all of the exports they currently own. Users can perform the following actions from the My Published Sheets screen:
- Search for Sheets
- View a Sheet
- Change a Sheet's Update Schedule
- Update a Sheet
- Restore Default Sharing
- Delete a Sheet
Jira Cloud users: To access the My Published Sheets screen, click on the My Published Sheets item on the System dashboard screen in Jira.
Alternatively, you can click on the My Published Sheets item in your user profile menu from the bottom left in Jira.
Jira Server users: To access the My Published Sheets screen,click on the My Published Sheets item in your user profile menu from the top right in Jira.
The My Published Sheets screen shows a table listing every Google Sheet owned by the current user, one per row, in descending order by created date. The list is split into multiple pages if enough exports have been created. You can also jump directly to a sheet on any page by selecting the sheet from the Select Sheet drop down at the top of the screen.
Each row in the table includes the following information:
- The sheet name and a link to the sheet
- The date and time when the sheet was created
- The ID of the search filter used for the list of Jira issues in the sheet (if applicable)
- The date and time when the sheet was last updated
- The sheet's update schedule (if applicable)
- The Actions button, to perform additional actions on a sheet
From the My Published Sheets screen, Jira users can perform the following actions on the sheets:
Search for Sheets
The Select Sheet drop down allows a user to search for sheets by name and then jump to that sheet's listing by selecting it from the drop down. Additional filtering options are available by clicking on the Sheet Filters item next to the Select Sheet drop down:
Filters allow you to find sheets:
- That were created during a specific date range
- That were last updated during a specific date range
- That have a particular update schedule
Fill in the values for any combination of filters and click Apply to show only the sheets that match your filter criteria. To remove filters and restore the complete list of sheets, click on the Remove Filters item at the end of the row.
Additional notes on filtering:
- For date range filters, you may leave either the start date or end date blank. Leaving the start date blank will make the filter include all sheets with a date that falls on or before the end date. Leaving the end date blank will make the filter include all sheets with a date that falls on or after the start date.
- For the Update Schedule filter, select None for sheets that do not have an update schedule set (manual update sheets). Leaving the selection empty ignores the sheet's update schedule when filtering.
- If multiple filters have values provided, the filters are combined with AND logic.
- When filters are applied, the Select Sheet drop down uses the same filter as the Published Sheets page.
View a Sheet
To view a sheet listed on the My Published Sheets screen, simply click on the name of the sheet you want to view. The sheet will be displayed in a new window/tab in your web browser.
Change a Sheet's Update Schedule
To change a sheet's update schedule from the My Published Sheets screen, select a new schedule option from the drop down in the Update Schedule column. Changes to sheet update schedules take effect immediately.
If a sheet is missing information necessary to determine or set it's update schedule, an information icon (
If a sheet's update schedule column shows an Error lozenge (
Update a Sheet
Sometimes it is necessary to refresh all of the Jira issue data in a sheet. To do this from the My Published Sheets screen, simply click the Actions button for the sheet you wish to update, then choose Update Now from the Actions menu. Updating all issue data in a sheet sometimes takes a while, so please be patient. Once the process is complete, a success dialog will appear on the screen, and the sheet's Last Updated column value will change to reflect the recent update.
Restore Default Sharing
When exports are first created, they are accessible by any user with a link to the sheet, or follow the add-on's Export Sharing Default setting. This sharing can be changed in Google Sheets but may accidentally be changed in such a way that users lose access to the sheet. If this happens, a user can restore the default sharing setting from the My Published Sheets screen. Simply click the Actions button for the sheet you wish to restore access to, then choose Restore Default Sharing from the Actions menu. Sharing settings will be restored to their configured default.
Delete a Sheet
Since a sheet may be stored in a location not easily accessible from Google Drive, the My Published Sheets screen allows a Jira user to easily delete a sheet. Simply click the Actions button for the sheet you wish to remove, then choose Delete from the Actions menu, and confirm your request. Deleted sheets cannot be recovered, so be absolutely sure you want to delete the sheet before continuing.