Configure Export
When creating a new export or updating an existing export, there are a number of standard and optional configuration options available. These are described below.
The Jira issue fields in your export can be changed. By default the export will attempt to use the fields and their order from your Jira issue search, but if you would like to change these fields perform the following steps:
Add or Remove Fields
Fields can be added to your export by finding the field in the Available Columns list on the right side of the export screen, and then double-clicking to move the field to the Selected Columns list. Fields can also be moved between lists by dragging and dropping. The Available Columns list has a search field that can be used to filter the list to columns with names that match your search.
Existing Export Update
If you would prefer to add to, or overwrite, the data in an existing export, you can choose an existing export from the Choose export drop down. This drop down contains all of the exports owned by the current Jira user. When an export is selected from this list, the Selected Columns list will update to contain the fields and field order currently present in the selected export. The Export name and Update schedule fields will also be updated to their values from the selected export. These values can be changed if desired, and they will be updated in the export when the Export button is clicked.
If you would prefer to add new data to an existing export instead of overwriting the current data in Snowflake, check the Add to Export checkbox at the top right of the dialog.
Export name
The name of an export must be set by providing a value in the Export name text field.
Database and Schema
If multiple databases or schemas have been configured for storing exports, the Snowflake database and schema where the export is stored can be changed by making a selection in the Database/Schema drop down of the export screen. This selection is saved and defaulted for subsequent exports. Note that this feature only shows databases that a Jira administrator has chosen. If an administrator has only chosen one database for export, you will not see this drop down. Existing exports cannot be moved to a different location from the Export screen.
Table Name
By default, exports will be created in a new table in the selected database. The new table uses the name format "S4J_{USER ACCOUNT ID}_{CREATION TIME}". Users can choose their own table name by clicking in the Table Name field and providing a different name. When a new name is provided, the export screen will attempt to verify that the provided name is available in the database, and suggest alternatives if the table is already in use.
Additional Export Data
If configured, you can choose to include additional Jira data related to your export when sending data to Snowflake. The Additional Export Data section of the export screen includes checkboxes for each available item. Toggle the checkboxes as needed. Note that a Jira administrator can configure which options are enabled in this section, so your options may differ from the image below.
Additional export data includes:
- Analytics Structure (additional tables for easy BI use)
- Assets
- Asset History (requires Assets selection)
- Boards
- Changelogs
- Components
- Field mapping
- Issue Types
- Projects
- Sprints
- Time in Status
- Tempo Worklogs
- Users
- Versions
- Worklogs
Analytics Structure
By selecting this option, Snowflake for Jira will create additional tables that allow you to easily connect the created schema to any BI solution. Any needed reference tables and identifiers will be available in the exported data structure.
Update Schedule
By default, exports are not updated when Jira issue data changes. Users can change this when creating or updating an export by changing the value in the Update schedule drop down. Exports with an update schedule of Realtime will be checked as Jira data changes, and updated if webhooks allow. Exports with an update schedule of Custom will be updated based on schedules defined for the export, regardless of webhook configuration. For more information on webhook configuration, please see the Webhooks Configuration section of the Jira Add-On Configuration page. For more information on custom schedules, please see the Update Schedules page.