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Scan Shortcut

Configure a Scan Shortcut to search for the scanned value in the Jira issue URL (default), by JQL, or in a specific field

  1. Tap on + icon on top right of home screen

  2. Pick the option your scanner should operate in

    1. Default - pick this option if your QR code includes the Jira issue key

    2. JQL

      1. Write your JQL

      2. Insert token {qr} into the JQL where your scanned value should be placed

    3. Fields

      1. Pick the Jira field the scanned value needs to match. For example, if you have a custom field with the name My QR Code Value that stores the value, select that field.

  3. Enter a recognizable name for the Shortcut

  4. Your Scan Shortcut will be placed on the Home screen

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