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Login to Portal

Sign in

If you already have a service desk user account, simply tap the Add Account button. Enter your Jira Service Desk account address into the Jira URL field. The correct format looks like this:

Then enter your username or email address and then Proceed to Login. The app will ask for a password either on the Atlassian Account Sign-in page, your Single Sign-On page, or the Atlassian username sign-in area.

Sign up

You can also sign-up for an account, if the Jira Service Desk configuration allows it, by hitting Sign-up. You will receive a link that you can follow to create a Jira Service Desk Portal account.


When help about the app itself is needed, press Support and you will be able to edit a support email that will create a ticket in MobilityStream’s service desk. If you are using a branded app, the support email may go to your organization directly.


The documentation link leads you to this Confluence user guide.


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