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Release Notes

Mobility for Jira - Team



  • Top bar navigation items on Home Screen

  • Navigate through your Assets hierarchy and schemas

  • Update any Assets fields

  • Search for any Asset object in Quick Search

  • Scan your Asset's QR code to display all information

Top bar navigation

Quick search includes Assets

Editable Assets Objects


  • Forms support for Jira Cloud

  • Better table support for Forms


  • Support for Face ID - Lock and unlock the Mobility for Jira app by using Face ID. You can enable this feature under Profile > Settings by turning on “Lock with Face ID”. After 1 minute of inactivity and at every login Face ID will authenticate.


  • ScriptRunner Behaviours support for Jira Datacenter & Server - Behaviours give you more options to customize how fields in Jira behave, for example you can show/hide additional fields when a particular option is selected. If you have Behaviours configured in Jira, it will carry over to the app.


  • Forms (previously ProForma) for Jira Datacenter & Server - If you are using Forms in Jira, you can easily view them in Mobility for Jira. To view a form, pick an issue that has a form attached and scroll to the Forms Section. Each attached form is listed with its name and current status. You will be able to display the form by tapping on the form entry.


  • Create and modify Releases for a Project - Each project can have many releases. With this enhancement you can view, filter, create and modify releases.

  • JSM approvals - Approvers of a Jira Service Management issue can approve or reject the issue without having to tap on status first. The buttons will simply appear on top of the issue.

  • Work more easily with Epics

  • XML configuration for MDM


  • Create Projects

  • Clone Issues

  • Redesigned Dashboards


  • Set an issue reminder

  • Jira Misc Workflows Extension support


  • Admin functionality - create/invite users & groups

  • List for running timers

  • Copy issue links

  • Adjust font size


  • Roadmaps

  • Dark Mode

  • Assets for Jira Cloud support

  • Attachment upload improvements



  • Improved Dashboards

  • Bug fixes


  • View Asset Activity

  • Comment on Assets


  • Update Jira Assets fields

  • Corrected Documentation link


  • Top bar navigation items on Home Screen

  • Navigate through your Assets hierarchy and schemas

  • Scan your Asset's QR code to display all information


  • Forms (previously ProForma) support for Jira Datacenter & Cloud


  • Create and modify Releases for a Project - On a board you have now an additional tab Releases that allows you to view, filter, and create releases for a project.


  • Create and edit Components - On a board you have now an additional tab Components that allows you to view and create components for a project.


  • Create any Jira project directly in the app

  • Easier way to create issues on board

  • XML configuration for MDM

Mobility for Jira - Portal

iOS & Android


  • Improved SVG rendering quality

  • Bug fixes - QR code scanning issue, some broken icons, request type ordering, “other” form fields.


  • Support for Face ID (biometric lock/unlock) - Lock and unlock the Mobility for Jira app by using by biometric lock/unlock/Face ID. You can enable this feature under Profile > Settings by turning on “Lock with Face ID”. After 1 minute of inactivity and at every login Face ID will authenticate.

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